Category: PhD


Surgical Planning Laboratory


Clinical Engineer Hub

Our mission is to create a future generation of clinician engineers.
I am very happy to be in this team and to do great work with these amazing people.
The Clinician Engineer Hub was launched in 2019 in collaboration between clinicians and engineers at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, Imperial College London, and King’s College London.


This international hub brings together the clinical and biomedical engineering fields and provides talented medical students and clinicians exposure to the world of biomedical engineering, the challenges doctors face in diagnosing and treating patients, and how to potentially solve these issues with cutting-edge engineering solutions.

Web Site Link

Cardiovascular Engineering in Istanbul

We talked about cardiovascular engineering and its future.   I was honored to be a  guest in Future Research Institute. Many thnaks to Coskun Dolanbay.


I am proud to have a place in this study

I am proud to have a contribution in this study.

Women in STEM

Kevser Banu

To commemorate International Women’s Day (8 March 2020), 3DMedNet has put together our first ‘Ask the experts’ feature in partnership with the global organization, Women in 3D Printing.  Thanks to Georgi for inviting me to the conversation. Check the link for the full interview.

Institute of Physics / Challenges in Cardiocascular Flow

A joint meeting showcasing current work addressing the complex challenges in cardiac flow modeling, particularly focusing on the work of early career researchers (source).


Liquid State Physics in Turkey

22. Liquid State Symposium (22. Sıvı Hal Senpozyumu) took place on 7th December 2018 in Piri Reis University.
It was very proud to be together with the physicist academics I knew and admired since my undergraduate years.
I find myself lucky to see the Prof. Zehra Akdeniz that I have always admired and exemplified. I could finally meet Prof. Nihat Berker who is not only a famous physicist but also an intellectual on comparative literature readings.

Thanks to Dr. Ozan Sarıyer and Dr. Gulsen Evingur for organizing this meeting.

Prof Pekkan presented biological flow researches of his lab, and I presented a sample case of a pediatric aortic blood flow comparison study which is done with the great help of Dr. Ece Salihoglu.

Virtual Physiological Human Conference 2018 / Zaragoza

Conference Web Link


Optimizing your workflow in the Mimics Innovation Suite

The Mimics Innovation Suite (MIS) allows you to automate your workflows, potentially saving a lot of time, achieving more consistency, and reducing repetitive work and human error. That is an easy thing to say, but if you do not have much experience with scripting, we all know that it can be tough to get started. If you want to speed up your learning curve and get a head start, then this could be an interesting training for you.

Topics will include:

Basics of Optimizing your Workflow in Mimics 21 and 3-matic 13
How to write your first scripts
Introduction to Python
Hands-on training exercises for creating planning workflows (e.g. loading datasets, performing basic segmentation steps, landmarking, creating anatomical coordinate systems, designing custom implants)


I had chance to present my works to authors and answer the questions of young curious physicisits at GEFIK2016 in Ege University. Discussing about medical physics and classical mechanics with physicists was a peerless experience.

3D Printed Aorta

A pediatric aorta model reconstructed from the 3D CT images.

ISCOMS – Faculty of Medical Sciences- Groningen University

Interactive Surgical Operation

6ISCOMS 2017 at University of Groningen

Many thanks to University Medical Center Groningen for the oral sessions and workshops of 3D Lab, LVAD treatment, Dissection of Brain, CABG treatment, IV Injections and Nuclear Medicine.

Anatomical Modeling & 3D Printing Meeting with 4C Medikal

Starfish Medical – VivitroLabs – ProtomedLabs – Marseille – France

Ece Tutsak (Left) – Banu Köse(Middle) – Vincent Garitey(Right)

Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital / Utrecht Sessions – The Netherlands

3 daags kindercardiologie TGA symposium

UMC Utrecht

The World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB) 2014

Registration and abstract submission are now open for The World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB) 2014. The World Congress is the most comprehensive global meeting on all topics related to biomechanics and is held once every four years. The next meeting will be in Boston, Massachusettson July 6-11, 2014.

Submission Timeline

  • November 15, 2013 ? January 15, 2014. Due to limited podium presentation slots, early submission recommended.
  • Student Paper Competition sponsored by ASME Bioengineering Division; requires abstract submission by currently enrolled students at the BS, MS, and PhD levels

Submissions for podium and poster presentations include any area of biomechanics and related areas, including bioheat transfer, biomaterials, ergonomics, medical devices, new testing devices and technologies, and tissue engineering. In particular, biomechanical studies ranging from the molecular level (e.g., DNA mechanics and mechanotransduction) to whole organisms (e.g., from animal flight to human sports biomechanics) are welcome.

Abstracts should be submitted on-line at and will be reviewed on a continuous basis. Early submission is encouraged! Note that WCB2014 follows a US holiday weekend (July 4, Independence Day) that may affect your travel plans.

Flow Testing Dynamic Systems with 3D Printed Patient-Specific Heart Models

Without the 3D printed models, we wouldn’t have been able to come up with a way to do the procedure in advance.

Adult congenital and interventional cardiologist.

3D Print Bureau of Texas has partnered with physicians at Houston Methodist Hospital to create cardiac models for applications such as assessing the size and attachment site of a right atrial malignancy. Accurate physical replications of patient anatomy can even undergo testing in a dynamic system such as replicating the severity of aortic stenosis using flow testing.

3D Print Bureau of Texas also worked with Houston Methodist DeBakey Heart and Vascular Center on a complex case involving a young patient born with a wide-open leaking pulmonary valve. The patient could not take blood transfusions and have been turned down by two medical centres concerned she would not make it through surgery.

With a 3D printed model of the patient’s heart, Lin devised a plan that required very little blood loss, which resulted in a successful operation for the little patient.



Scientific Co-Chairs are Kerem Pekkan, PhD & Akif Ündar, PhD

Invitation to Attend

The 5th Istanbul Symposium is intended for medical and engineering students, nurses,
scientists, pediatric heart surgeons, engineers, cardiologists, intensivists, neonatologists,
anesthesiologists, neurologists, pediatric perfusionists, respiratory therapists, residents
and fellows. All are invited and encouraged to attend.

Koç University, Engineering Auditorium ( Mühendislik Oditoryumu ) / 19 April 2013

3th International VIB Ph.D. Symposium VIBes on Biosciences 2012

?The VIBes 2012 Organizing Committee has the pleasure to invite all Ph.D. Students to the 3rd edition of the VIB Ph.D. symposium ?VIBes in Biosciences 2012?, which will take place from 5 to 7 September 2012 in the city of Ghent (Belgium).

The VIBes 2012 program kicks off with several workshop sessions on the scientific publication process and soft skills training. The scientific program consists of two days of lectures by world-class scientists, covering a broad range of topics from immunology and molecular biology to cybernetics and biomedical engineering. Selected speakers will also discuss career opportunities and share insights on how to succeed in science.
VIBes 2012 will again be a very international event as we will provide up to 50 international (i.e. not working in Belgium) Ph.D. students with free attendance to the symposium, free accommodation as well as a limited amount of travel grants.

Registration is now open at
Places are limited and provided on a first-come-first-serve basis.

The VIBes2012 Organizing Committee
Jonas Bethuyne, Miguel Lopez Cardoso, Eleonora Billi, Nathan De Geyter, Lynn Elton, Matthieu Moisse, Christina Müller, Julie Mutert, Zeynep Okray, Ioanna Petta, Sebastian Proost, Dariusz Ratman, Tim Snoek, Lorin Spruyt, Suresh Subedi, Joemar Taganna, Arun Kumar Tharkeshwar, Koen Tyberghein and Rajesh Vyas?

Koç University is accepting MSc (and PhD) degree students to study biomedical engineering and science.

Students who want to improve patient?s well-being and save lives are encouraged to apply as early as possible Committed to be a top BME program of the world, KU-BME is the only biomedical science and engineering program in Turkey, which is run jointly between the Medical School, Science and Engineering, at the same campus !

Guided by the contemporary BME graduate education, you will be supervised by worldrenowned faculty and be trained to be the leader of your research field.